引用本文: | 李书培,宋立伟.主动粘弹性控制抗冲击扰动[J].控制理论与应用,2017,34(3):367~374.[点击复制] |
LI Shu-pei,SONG Li-wei.Viscoelastic active control for pulse disturbance[J].Control Theory and Technology,2017,34(3):367~374.[点击复制] |
主动粘弹性控制抗冲击扰动 |
Viscoelastic active control for pulse disturbance |
摘要点击 3051 全文点击 2360 投稿时间:2016-07-06 修订日期:2016-12-17 |
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DOI编号 10.7641/CTA.2017.60486 |
2017,34(3):367-374 |
中文关键词 主动粘弹性控制 粘弹性控制 粘弹性自抗扰 粘弹性PID 冲击扰动 |
英文关键词 viscoelastic active control viscoelastic control viscoelastic active disturbance rejection control viscoelastic PID pulse disturbance |
基金项目 国家自然科学基金项目(51077021)资助. |
中文摘要 |
根据粘弹性材料耗能减振性能较好的特点, 针对高频扰动、冲击扰动, 本文提出了主动粘弹性控制的方法,定义了主动粘弹性控制技术的基本架构. 根据粘弹性材料的耗能计算模型, 提出了粘弹性控制律的选取原则. 结合广义Maxwell模型, 提出了3种粘弹性控制律(viscoelastic control law, VCL). 并将粘弹性比例–微分(proportional derivative,PD)控制、粘弹性比例–积分–微分(proportional integral derivative, PID)控制、粘弹性自抗扰控制(active disturbancerejection control, ADRC)应用到常见的二阶系统中. 研究结果表明, 主动粘弹性控制技术抗高频扰动、抗冲击扰动的性能特别优异. 由于主动控制的响应速度快, 主动粘弹性控制的抗扰性能好, 本文提出了主动控制与主动粘弹性控制相切换的控制方法, 并对切换控制策略进行了研究. 研究结果表明, 切换控制可同时兼顾抗扰性能与响应速度. |
英文摘要 |
Based on the excellent energy dissipation characteristics of the viscoelastic material, this paper proposes the viscoelastic active control method to suppress the high-frequency or pulse disturbance. Also, the basic structure of viscoelastic active control technology is discussed. Besides, according to the energy model of viscoelastic material, the principle of selecting a viscoelastic control law is put forward. Moreover, combining with the generalized maxwell model,three viscoelastic control laws, the viscoelastic proportional derivative (PD) control, proportional integral derivative control (PID) and active disturbance rejection control (ADRC), are discussed and applied to the common second-order system. The results show that the viscoelastic active controller has excellent performance of suppressing high-frequency and pulse disturbance. Since the active control has fast response characteristic while the viscoelastic active control has excellent disturbance rejection performance, the switching control between these two control methods is designed and studied to combine their advantages. The simulation results show that the switching control method has not only fast response characteristic but also excellent performance of suppressing disturbance. |