JIN Xin,XIAN Bin.Nonlinear robust control of a tilt tripple-rotor unmanned aerial vehicle with experimental verification[J].Control Theory and Technology,2017,34(10):1303~1310.[点击复制]
Nonlinear robust control of a tilt tripple-rotor unmanned aerial vehicle with experimental verification
摘要点击 2704  全文点击 1433  投稿时间:2016-11-02  修订日期:2017-05-03
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DOI编号  10.7641/CTA.2017.60827
中文关键词  倾转式三旋翼  动力学模型  鲁棒控制  自适应
英文关键词  tilt trirotor  dynamic model  robust control  adaptive
基金项目  天津市应用基础与前沿技术研究计划重点项目(14JCZDJC31900), 天津市科技支撑计划重点项目(15ZCZDGX00810), 天津市科技计划项目 (14RCHZGX00862), 国家自然科学基金项目(60804004, 90916004)
金鑫 天津大学 300072
鲜斌* 天津大学 300072
      针对倾转式三旋翼无人机的建模及控制设计问题, 本文通过对此类无人机动力学特性的分析, 构造了以电 机转速和尾舵倾角作为控制输入的动力学模型. 为补偿动力学模型中未知的外部扰动及参数不确定性, 设计了一 种非线性自适应鲁棒控制策略. 在此基础上, 基于Lyapunov分析方法及Barbalat引理证明了所设计控制器的闭环系 统稳定性, 以及误差渐近收敛性. 最后通过半实物仿真平台进行了实验验证. 实验结果表明, 本文中提出的控制策 略对倾转式三旋翼无人机外部扰动及参数不确定性具有较好的鲁棒性.
      For the modeling and control design of the tilt trirotor unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV), the dynamic characteristics of this UAV are analyzed. The dynamic model uses the motor speed and the tilt angle as the control inputs. Then a nonlinear adaptive robust controller is designed to compensate for the unknown external disturbance and parametric uncertainties. On this basis the asymptotic convergence of the track error is proved based on the Lyapunov methodology and Barbalat’s lemma. Finally, the real-time experiments are performed on the hardware in loop testbed. The experimental results show that the proposed control strategy has achieved good control performance.