MIN Yi-long,WANG Gan-quan.Resonance suppression of three-axis stabilized satellite scanning mirror servo system[J].Control Theory and Technology,2018,35(9):1250~1259.[点击复制]
Resonance suppression of three-axis stabilized satellite scanning mirror servo system
摘要点击 3075  全文点击 1437  投稿时间:2017-08-19  修订日期:2018-10-01
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DOI编号  10.7641/CTA.2018.70588
中文关键词  三轴稳定卫星  扫描镜  伺服系统  机械谐振  加速度观测器  大惯量负载
英文关键词  Three-axis Stabilized Satellite  Scanning mirror  Servo system  Mechanical resonance  Acceleration observer  Large inertia load
闵溢龙* 中国科学院上海技术物理研究所 mylsitp@163.com 
王淦泉 中国科学院上海技术物理研究所  
      本文针对三轴稳定卫星中的扫描镜伺服系统在运行时产生的机械谐振现象, 采用在反馈回路中加入加速度观测器的方法抑制此类机械谐振. 首先针对大惯量扫描镜伺服系统的机械传动结构建立研究模型, 通过数学推导和仿真分析谐振产生的原因及谐振对系统控制性能的影响; 然后采用加速度观测器方法, 将观测出的加速度反馈到伺服系统电流环的前端对谐振进行补偿, 并分析了噪声对观测器性能的影响与限制; 最后的仿真结果表明, 相比于采用陷波滤波器抑制谐振的方法, 采用加速度观测器能更为有效地抑制三轴稳定卫星中扫描镜伺服控制系统中的机械谐振, 并提高系统的控制性能, 且设计的观测器对噪声具有良好的鲁棒性.
      In order to suppress the mechanical resonance that generated in the scanning mirror servo system of the three - axis stabilized satellite, the method that adding the acceleration observer in the feedback loop is adopted. Firstly, the model of the mechanical transmission structure of the scanning mirror servo system which has a large inertia load is established. The causes and the influences of the mechanical resonance on the control performance of the system are analyzed by mathematical derivation and simulation. Then, the acceleration observed by the acceleration observer is fed back to the front of the current loop of the servo system to compensate the mechanical resonance, and the influence and limitation of noise on the performance of the observer is analyzed. Finally, the simulation results show that using acceleration observer is more effective and helpful to suppress the mechanical resonance and improve the control performance of the scanning mirror servo control system compared to the method that using the notch filter, also, the designed observer has good robustness to noise.