LIANG Jia-qi,BU Xu-hui,LIU Jian,QIAN Wei.Iterative learning consensus tracking control for a class of multi-agent systems with output saturation[J].Control Theory and Technology,2018,35(6):786~794.[点击复制]
Iterative learning consensus tracking control for a class of multi-agent systems with output saturation
摘要点击 3443  全文点击 1492  投稿时间:2017-09-12  修订日期:2017-12-04
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DOI编号  10.7641/CTA.2017.70659
中文关键词  多智能体系统(MAS)  迭代学习控制(ILC)  一致性  输出饱和
英文关键词  Multi-agent systems (MAS)  iterative learning control (ILC)  consensus  output saturation
基金项目  国家自然科学基金项目(61203065, 61573129), 河南省高校科技创新人才支持计划(16HASTIT046), 河南省高等学校青年骨干教师计划项目 (2014GGJS–041), 浙江省自然科学基金(LQ16F030009), 河南省创新型科技人才队伍建设工程(CXTD2016054)资助.
梁嘉琪 河南理工大学 1459485470@qq.com 
卜旭辉* 河南理工大学 buxuhui@gmail.com 
刘建 河南理工大学  
钱伟 河南理工大学  
      针对带有输出饱和的多智能体系统有限时间趋同跟踪控制问题, 提出了一种分布式迭代学习控制算法. 首 先假设多智能体系统具有固定拓扑结构, 且仅有部分智能体可获取到期望轨迹信息. 基于输出约束条件构造一致性 跟踪误差, 在此基础上设计了P型迭代学习控制率. 然后采用压缩映射方法给出了一个算法收敛的充分条件, 并在 理论上证明了跟踪误差的收敛性. 最后, 将理论结果推广至具有随机切换拓扑结构的多智能体系统中. 仿真结果验 证了所提出算法的有效性.
      In this paper, a distributed iterative learning control algorithm is proposed to the consensus tracking control problem of multi-agent systems with output saturation. First, it is assumed that the considered multi-agent system has a fixed communication topology and only a part of agents can obtain the desired trajectory information. The P-type iterative learning control law is developed from the consensus tracking error that constructed by the constraint output. Then, a sufficient condition of the algorithm is given by using the approach of contraction mapping, and the theoretical convergence analysis of the tracking error is also provided. Finally, the theoretical results are extended into multi-agent systems with randomly switching topology. Simulation results further validate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.