YANG Guang,HAN Fei,DUAN Guangren,WANG Zhao-long,SUN Bing-lei,PENG Yang.Dual sliding-mode surface control law and ground micro-gravity semi-physical test for capturing tumbling target in space[J].Control Theory and Technology,2018,35(10):1436~1446.[点击复制]
Dual sliding-mode surface control law and ground micro-gravity semi-physical test for capturing tumbling target in space
摘要点击 2717  全文点击 1089  投稿时间:2017-11-30  修订日期:2018-06-05
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DOI编号  10.7641/CTA.2018.70891
中文关键词  空间翻滚目标, 逼近与捕获, 滑模控制, 地面微重力试验
英文关键词  tumbling target in space, approaching and capturing, sliding-mode control, ground micro-gravity test
基金项目  国家自然科学基金重点项目,国家自然科学基金
阳光 上海市空间智能控制技术重点实验室 iamsunlight@163.com 
韩飞* 哈尔滨工业大学航天学院 shanquan_5836@163.com 
段广仁 哈尔滨工业大学航天学院  
王兆龙 上海市空间智能控制技术重点实验室  
孙炳磊 上海市空间智能控制技术重点实验室  
彭杨 上海市空间智能控制技术重点实验室  
      The relative attitude and orbit coupled control problem for capturing tumbling target in space is studied in this paper. To improve the control performance of the system impacted by bounded disturbance, measurement errors, limited control input, parameter uncertainty and so on, a dual sliding-mode surface control (DSMSC) method is designed, with the stability of the closed-loop system also proved. Numerical simulations are carried out to compare the performances of the single sliding-mode surface control (SSMSC) law and the DSMSC. The DSMSC is indicated to remarkably lower the steady statue control bias and noise. Furthermore, a set of ground micro-gravity semi-physical verification system is established, and a mission scenario is designed with the relative motion between the chaser and target constrained in the orbit plane of the target. Then, using this semi-physical verification system, the efficiency of the DSMSC is verified in the real-time closed-loop guidance navigation and control system under ground-simulated micro-gravity dynamics.