YU Jian-jun,ZHU Dan,Zhong Yuanguang,XIE Wei.Ordering and subsidizing strategies for loss-averse retailer under dual-sourcing[J].Control Theory and Technology,2019,36(9):1545~1556.[点击复制]
Ordering and subsidizing strategies for loss-averse retailer under dual-sourcing
摘要点击 2418  全文点击 900  投稿时间:2018-04-02  修订日期:2019-04-04
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DOI编号  10.7641/CTA.2018.80229
中文关键词  供应可靠性  双源供应  损失厌恶  提前支付
英文关键词  supply reliability  dual sourcing  loss averse  advanced payment
余建军 华南理工大学 yujj@scut.edu.cn 
朱丹 华南理工大学  
钟远光* 华南理工大学 bmygzhong@scut.edu.cn 
谢维 华南理工大学  
      The mismatch in supply and demand is a key problem in the field of supply chain, a multiple source strategy is a common method to solve the problem. This paper consider how the loss-adverse retailer purchases items from two upstream suppliers, where supplier 1 is a unreliable supplier with low price, supplier 2 is a reliable supplier with high price. To reduce the supply unreliability of supplier 1, the retailer would pay part of purchase price in advance. In this paper, we first study the retailer’s optimal strategy when it only purchase items from single source supplier, then construct the retailer’s operation model under the case of dual sourcing. Our results show that with the increase in proportion of the advance payment, the retailer’s order quantity from the supplier 1 will increase but the order quantity from the supplier 2 will decrease under dual souring case. We also find that the optimal expected utility in dual sourcing case is greater than that in single sourcing. Finally, how the loss averse and stochastic demand affect the system performance is analyzed.