引用本文: | 李灿,汪仁智,李德伟,席裕庚.采用再生制动的地铁时刻表节能优化研究[J].控制理论与应用,2019,36(7):1024~1035.[点击复制] |
LI Can,WANG Ren-zhi,LI De-wei,XI Yu-geng.Research on energy saving optimization of metro timetable using regenerative braking[J].Control Theory and Technology,2019,36(7):1024~1035.[点击复制] |
采用再生制动的地铁时刻表节能优化研究 |
Research on energy saving optimization of metro timetable using regenerative braking |
摘要点击 2949 全文点击 1246 投稿时间:2018-04-18 修订日期:2018-12-13 |
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DOI编号 10.7641/CTA.2018.80277 |
2019,36(7):1024-1035 |
中文关键词 地铁列车 时刻表 再生制动 节能优化 |
英文关键词 metro train timetable regenerative braking energy saving optimization |
基金项目 国家自然科学基金 |
中文摘要 |
由于地铁可以在很大程度上缓解城市交通拥堵问题,其在现代城市中的应用已经越来越广泛。地铁运行的主要成本是其电能消耗。如何降低地铁运行能耗是建设现代化绿色城市的重要课题。本文针对这一问题,从列车运行时再生制动产生回馈电网能量出发,建立基于再生制动能量利用的地铁列车运行能耗模型。进而,将地铁运行节能问题转化为一个地铁列车时刻表优化问题,并通过引入列车运行约束和混合逻辑动态模型约束将该问题建模为一个非线性混合整数规划问题。为了求解这一问题,本文设计了分解协调优化算法,以列车停站时间和发车时间间隔作为优化操作变量进行了优化。从仿真结果可以看出,以不同的操纵变量进行优化均能有效提高再生制动能量利用率,且分解协调算法的求解结果优于传统的模拟退火算法。 |
英文摘要 |
The subway-based urban transit has been used widely because it can alleviate the serious problem of urban traffic congestion effectively. Electric ennergy consumption contributes the most part of its cost. So it is necessary to reduce the energy consumption of subway operation. Aiming at this problem, energy consumption model with utilization of regenerative braking energy can be built. Combining energy consumption model, train operation constraints and mixed logic dynamic model constraints, the optimization problem is transformed into a nonlinear mixed integer program problem. This problem can be solved by decomposition and coordination algorithm. The succession time and station dwell act as manipulated variables and both of them improve regenerative braking energy utilization rate effectively. Compared with the solution of annealing algorithm, decomposition and coordination algorithm should be better. |