LIU Yang,JING Yuan-wei,LIU Xiao-ping,LI Xiao-hua.Survey on finite-time control for nonlinear systems[J].Control Theory and Technology,2020,37(1):1~12.[点击复制]
Survey on finite-time control for nonlinear systems
摘要点击 10462  全文点击 2529  投稿时间:2019-05-14  修订日期:2019-09-21
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DOI编号  10.7641/CTA.2019.90351
中文关键词  非线性系统有限时间控制  加幂积分  齐次系统理论  终端滑模
英文关键词  Finite-time control for nonlinear systems  adding a power integrator  homogeneous system theory  terminal sliding mode
基金项目  国家自然科学基金, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, 国家留学基金委基金, 辽宁省自然基金项目
刘洋 东北大学 liuyang0595@163.com 
井元伟* 东北大学 ywjjing@mail.neu.edu.cn 
刘晓平 山东建筑大学  
李小华 辽宁科技大学  
      近三十年来, 有限时间控制因其具有收敛速度快, 抗扰性强, 控制精度高等优点, 引起了学者们的研究兴趣. 据作者所知, 目前鲜有文献系统地总结有限时间控制的相关研究内容. 因此, 本文致力于较为系统且完整地给出非线性系统有限时间控制方法的研究进展. 主要内容包括如下几方面: 研究意义; 有限时间的定义, 判据及设定时间表达式; 有限时间设计方法的研究现状以及未来工作.
      Over the past three decades, the finite-time control (FTC) has received more and more attention due to the faster convergence, the better disturbance rejection and the higher control accuracy. To the best of our knowledge, there is less report to summarise further the corresponding study with respect to the finite-time control of nonlinear systems. For this case, this work will devote to sum up the development of FTC. The main details include: research significance, the definitions, lemmas and settling-time forms of FTC, the research status of the finite-time design schemes and the future work.