引用本文: | 颉新春,费敏锐,杜大军.基于数字水印的网络控制系统回放攻击检测[J].控制理论与应用,2020,37(9):2047~2053.[点击复制] |
JIE Xin-chun,Fei Min-rui,Du Da-jun.Replay attack measurement of networked control system based on digital watermark[J].Control Theory and Technology,2020,37(9):2047~2053.[点击复制] |
基于数字水印的网络控制系统回放攻击检测 |
Replay attack measurement of networked control system based on digital watermark |
摘要点击 1889 全文点击 602 投稿时间:2019-08-01 修订日期:2020-08-01 |
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DOI编号 10.7641/CTA.2020.90635 |
2020,37(9):2047-2053 |
中文关键词 传感器水印 网络控制系统 拟合优度检验 网络安全 |
英文关键词 sensor watermarking networked control system goodness of fit tests network security |
基金项目 国家自然科学基金项目(61633016)资助. |
中文摘要 |
随着网络技术在控制系统中的广泛应用, 如何处理数据回放及数据篡改等网络攻击行为是广大科技工作
者必须考虑和解决的一个问题. 在构建包含控制网络和检测网络的控制系统基础上, 本文给出了一种网络控制系统
的数学模型, 并详细阐述了其传感器节点到控制器节点的数据传输方法. 考虑到控制器节点遭受回放攻击的实际
情况, 通过数据帧中添加时间戳和水印数据, 并采用拟合优度检验等相关策略, 由此提出一种新的异常行为检测方
法. 仿真结果表明, 该方法在一定程度上能够有效并快速地检测出针对控制器的回放攻击行为, 具有应用前景和推
广参考价值. |
英文摘要 |
With the wide application of networks in control systems, the process of data replay attacks and keeping
the stability of networked control systems is a problem that the researchers must consider. On the basis of establishing a
control system including a control network and a measurement network, a data transmission method between sensor nodes
and controller nodes is proposed. The mathematical model of the networked control system is given. Considering the
presence of the replay attacks to the controller nodes, a real-time anomaly detection method is presented on the basis of
adding the time stamp in the data frame. The strategy of adding digital watermarking and chi-square goodness of fit test
are described in detail. The simulation results show that the detection method of goodness of fit test can detect the replay
attack actions in real time. The method has certain application prospects and popularization values. |