SUN Liang,PAN Quan-ke,ZOU Wen-qiang,WANG Ya-min.Vehicle routing problem: light-robust-optimization model and algorithm[J].Control Theory and Technology,2021,38(2):206~212.[点击复制]
Vehicle routing problem: light-robust-optimization model and algorithm
摘要点击 2389  全文点击 732  投稿时间:2019-11-20  修订日期:2020-08-19
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DOI编号  10.7641/CTA.2020.90957
中文关键词  鲁棒优化  超启发式算法  车辆路径问题  粒子群算法
英文关键词  robust optimization  hyper-heuristics  vehicle routing problem  particle swarm optimization
基金项目  国家自然科学基金项目(61973203, 51575212)资助.
孙亮 上海大学 liang_sun76@163.com 
潘全科* 上海大学 panquanke@shu.edu.cn 
邹温强 上海大学  
王亚敏 南京审计大学  
      针对不确定旅行时间下的车辆路径问题, 以总变动成本最小为优化目标, 建立了一种轻鲁棒优化模型, 提 出了一种针对问题特征的超启发式粒子群算法. 在算法中, 利用基于图论中深度优先搜索的初始化策略加快算法 的早期收敛速度, 引入基于均衡策略的启发式规则变换方式来提高算法的寻优能力, 重新设计的粒子更新公式确保 生成低层构造算法的有效性. 实验结果表明: 所提算法能有效地求解不确定旅行时间下的车辆路径问题.
      A light-robust-optimization model is proposed for a vehicle routing problem with uncertain travel times (VRP–UT) with the objective of minimizing total variable cost. A hyper particle swarm optimization (HPSO) including problem-specific knowledge is proposed to solve the model. The proposed HPSO algorithm uses an initialized strategy based on deep first search in graph theory to accelerate the convergent speed at the early stage, and adopts two novel updating rules to generate efficient constructive algorithms, as well as employs some search algorithms based on balance strategy to enhance the optimization capability. Experimental results show that HPSO is an efficient algorithm to solve VRP–UT.