KE Yan-bing,GU Kai-yang,XU Yu-fei,LI Jian-ning.Mixed passive/H∞ fault-tolerant consensus for stochastic multi-agent systems with failures[J].Control Theory and Technology,2020,37(10):2266~2272.[点击复制]
Mixed passive/H∞ fault-tolerant consensus for stochastic multi-agent systems with failures
摘要点击 2048  全文点击 688  投稿时间:2019-12-09  修订日期:2020-04-05
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DOI编号  10.7641/CTA.2020.90996
中文关键词  Markovian跳变系统  有向拓扑  容错控制  多智能体  故障
英文关键词  Markovian jump system  directed topology  fault-tolerant control  multi-agent  fault
基金项目  国家自然科学基金项目(61733009), 浙江省自然科学基金(LY19F030020)
柯彦冰 杭州电子科技大学 keyanbing1018@163.com 
顾凯炀 杭州电子科技大学  
徐宇飞 杭州电子科技大学  
李建宁* 杭州电子科技大学 ljn@hdu.edu.cn 
      本文研究了在有向拓扑结构下, 马尔可夫跳变故障多智能体系统的混合无源/H∞容错一致性问题. 首先, 针对系统中的执行器偏移故障, 基于增广矩阵方法设计故障观测器以估计未知的偏移故障. 进而, 利用所估故障信息, 基于混合无源/H∞性能指标, 利用代数图论、自由权矩阵、增广矩阵和线性矩阵不等式等方法, 设计了相应的容错控制器, 实现了故障情况下多智能体系统的容错一致性. 最后通过数值仿真验证了该方法的有效性.
      This paper aimed at investigating the mixed passive/H∞ fault-tolerant consensus problem of stochastic multi-agent systems under directed topology. Firstly, a fault observer is designed to estimate the unknown actuator bias fault based on the augmented matrix method. Then, in virtue of the estimated fault information and the mixed passive/H∞ performance index, a fault-tolerant controller is designed by using algebraic graph theory, free weight matrix, and linear matrix inequality to achieve the fault-tolerant consensus. Finally, a numerical simulation is presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.