SUN Hao,LIU Xue-feng,LIU Jing-lei,SUN Qing-lin,CHEN Zeng-qiang.Consensus control algorithm of multiple parafoils in mass airdrop[J].Control Theory and Technology,2021,38(12):1993~2000.[点击复制]
Consensus control algorithm of multiple parafoils in mass airdrop
摘要点击 1717  全文点击 589  投稿时间:2020-09-11  修订日期:2021-01-25
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DOI编号  10.7641/CTA.2021.00615
中文关键词  一致性控制  翼伞系统  大规模空投  多系统协同  自抗扰控制
英文关键词  consensus control  parafoil system  mass airdrop  active disturbance rejection control  multi-agent cooperation
基金项目  国家自然科学基金项目(62003177, 61973172, 61973175), 北京空间机电研究所开放基金项目, 博士后基金项目(2020M670633), 天津市自然 科学基金项目(19JCZDJC32800)资助.
孙昊 南开大学 1120160122@mail.nankai.edu.cn 
刘雪峰 北京空间机电研究所  
刘靖雷 北京空间机电研究所  
孙青林* 南开大学 sunql@nankai.edu.cn 
陈增强 南开大学  
      翼伞大规模空投广泛用于物资运输或救援救灾, 可将大量物资或人员依次运输至指定目标位置, 通过分析 可以看出其控制目标与多智能体一致性控制问题的控制目标高度一致, 但翼伞存在强非线性特性, 难以通过传统一 致性算法实现精确控制和稳定性证明. 因此, 本文将采用八自由度动力学模型, 在充分考虑翼伞非线性动力学特性 的基础上, 结合自抗扰控制与多智能体一致性控制策略, 设计分布式控制器, 并针对时延, 信号噪声, 可变通信拓扑 等多外界干扰的基础上, 在有限时间内确保多翼伞的运动误差可收敛到一个包含零点的邻域内, 同时给出该控制器 的稳定性证明.
      Mass airdrop is widely used in the supplies transportation or rescue mission, which can successively deliver large amounts of supplies or troops to the target position. By analyzing the control objective of the mass airdrop, it can be observed that its objective is highly consistent with the objective of the consensus control of the multi-agent system. However, considering the parafoil system exists strong nonlinearity, it is hard to realize the accurate control and stability proof. For this reason, in this paper, an eight-degree of freedom model of the parafoil is applied. With the full consideration of the nonlinear dynamic characteristics, a distributed controller is designed by combining the active disturbance rejection control and the consensus control algorithm. With this method, the motion error of multiple parapets can converge to a neighborhood containing zero in finite time under the multiple external disturbances, including the time-delay, signal noise and the variable communication topology. Meanwhile, the stability proof of the proposed controller is also presented.