GAO Shi-da,BO Cui-mei,LI Jun,CHEN Yu-xin,CUI Shi-yu,QIAO Xu.Multi-objective optimization control of industrial organic pollutants treatment process[J].Control Theory and Technology,2022,39(1):187~199.[点击复制]
Multi-objective optimization control of industrial organic pollutants treatment process
摘要点击 2003  全文点击 809  投稿时间:2020-10-09  修订日期:2021-12-09
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DOI编号  10.7641/CTA.2021.00680
中文关键词  有机污染物治理  NSGA–II  多目标优化  动态流程模拟
英文关键词  organic pollutants treatment  NSGA–II  multi-objective optimization  dynamic process simulation
基金项目  国家重点研发计划(2019YFB1705803),国家自然科学基金(21727818)
高世达 南京工业大学电气工程与控制科学学院 809638149@qq.com 
薄翠梅* 南京工业大学电气工程与控制科学学院 lj_bcm@163.com 
李俊 南京工业大学电气工程与控制科学学院  
陈宇鑫 南京工业大学电气工程与控制科学学院  
崔世宇 南京工业大学电气工程与控制科学学院  
乔旭 南京工业大学化工学院  
      工业有机污染物具有多相态共存、治理工艺复杂、治理成本高等特点. 因此针对有机污染物的临氧裂解/催 化氧化治理工艺, 研究了一种基于改进的NSGA–II的优化控制方法. 首先, 根据治理过程的工艺要求和设备操作参 数, 使用Aspen Plus建立了稳态模拟系统, 并对关键控制参数进行了灵敏度分析. 然后以最低的总能耗和最大的废水 治理量为优化目标, 使用改进的NSGA–II优化处理过程的控制参数, 获得一组帕累托最优解. 最后, 基于能量平衡设 计了厂级有机污染物综合处理的能量自平衡控制方案, 并进行动态模拟和实验装置测试. 模拟和实验结果表明, 该 系统具有良好的动态响应性能, 所设计的实验装置稳定运行状态下能耗低, 净化效率高.
      Industrial organic pollutants have the characteristics of pollutants coexistence in different phases, complicated treatment process and high treatment cost. Therefore, for the organic pollutants catalytic cracking/oxidation integrated treatment process, an optimized control method based on improved NSGA–II is studied. First of all, according to the process requirements and equipment operating parameters of the treatment process, a steady-state simulation system is established using Aspen Plus. And the sensitivity analysis is performed on key control parameters. Then, the lowest total energy consumption and the largest wastewater treatment flow are chosen as the optimization objectives. The improved NSGA– II is used to optimize the control parameters of the treatment process, and a set of Pareto optimal solutions is obtained. Finally, based on energy balance, a plant-level control scheme for organic pollutants integrated treatment is designed, and dynamic simulation and experimental device testing were carried out. The simulation and experimental results show that the system has good dynamic response performance, and the designed experimental device has low energy consumption and high purification efficiency under stable operation.