JIN Xue-lian,ZHANG Si-jia,ZHENG Fu.The exponential stabilization of the heat-wave coupled system and H1 robustness[J].Control Theory and Technology,2021,38(12):2069~2075.[点击复制]
The exponential stabilization of the heat-wave coupled system and H1 robustness
摘要点击 1607  全文点击 581  投稿时间:2020-11-17  修订日期:2021-09-02
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DOI编号  10.7641/CTA.2021.00814
中文关键词  热波方程  边界反馈  指数稳定性
英文关键词  heat-wave equation  boundary feedback  exponential stability
基金项目  国家自然科学基金项目(11871117), 辽宁省教育厅科学研究经费项目(JJL201915408)资助.
金雪莲 辽宁工业大学理学院  
张思佳 渤海大学  
郑福* 渤海大学 zhengfu@qymail.bhu.edu.cn 
      本文对具有边界观测和同位控制的一维热波耦合系统的指数镇定进行了研究. 当控制为零时, 系统是多项 式稳定的. 本文设计2种反馈方式–静态负比例反馈和动态反馈, 利用Lyapunov函数直接法, 得到在2种反馈下闭环系 统是指数稳定的. 此外, 并对2种控制的H∞鲁棒性进行了分析, 给出了相应的充分条件.
      In this paper, the exponential stabilization of the heat-wave coupled equation with observation and collocated control is discussed. The system is only polynomially stable when the control is zero. Two feedback strategies, static negative proportional feedback and dynamic feedback are designed. By the direct method of Lyapunov function, the exponential stability of the closed-loop systems is tested. Moreover, the H∞ robustness of two controls is further analyzed and the related sufficient conditions are given.