ZHANG Yuan-yuan,GONG Ren-xi,LIU Jian-feng.Fuzzy super-twisting sliding mode control for three-phase interleaved parallel DC–DC converter[J].Control Theory and Technology,2023,40(3):565~573.[点击复制]
Fuzzy super-twisting sliding mode control for three-phase interleaved parallel DC–DC converter
摘要点击 1461  全文点击 802  投稿时间:2021-04-28  修订日期:2022-12-12
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DOI编号  10.7641/CTA.2022.10364
中文关键词  双向DC–DC  三相交错  模糊逻辑  高阶滑模  鲁棒性
英文关键词  bidirectional DC–DC  three-phase interleaving  fuzzy control  super-twisting sliding mode  robustness
基金项目  广西重点研发计划项目(桂科AB20159012), 广西自然科学基金项目(2019GXNSFBA185029), 国家自然科学基金项目(61561007)资助.
张圆圆 广西大学电气工程学院 , 北部湾大学机械与船舶海洋工程学院 钦州 742036673@qq.com 
龚仁喜* 广西大学电气工程学院 rxgong@gxu.edu.cn 
刘剑锋 广西大学电气工程学院  
      针对传统ST滑模控制算法在DC–DC变换系统到达段存在快速性和抑制抖振之间的矛盾问题, 提出一种三 相交错双向DC–DC变换器的模糊高阶滑模(FZST)控制算法. 该算法依据李雅普诺夫函数求解出系统稳定需要满足 的收敛条件, 然后基于当前误差进行模糊逻辑推算, 进一步在线调整收敛条件下的滑模面系数, 保证对误差项加速 抑制的同时完成对静态误差的积分, 保留了ST滑模控制的动态性, 并抑制系统的抖振. 最后对双向DC–DC半桥回路 中的电压环和电流内环, 进行双FZST滑模控制的仿真与实验验证, 结果表明: 系统在电压跟随, 输入端电压与输出 端负载大扰动情况下, FZST滑模控制算法具有较强的鲁棒性, 能够改善系统的动态品质, 并有效地解决抖振问题.
      Aiming at the contradiction between the rapidity and chattering suppression in the arrival stage of the DC– DC conversion system in the traditional super-twisting (ST) sliding mode control algorithm, a fuzzy super-twisting (FZST) sliding mode of the three-phase interleaved bidirectional DC–DC converter is proposed. The algorithm uses the Lyapunov function to solve the convergence conditions that need to be met for system stability, and then performs fuzzy logic calculations based on the current error, and further adjusts the sliding mode surface coefficients under the convergence conditions online to ensure that the error term is speedily suppressed while completing the integration of the static error. Therefore, it retains the dynamics of ST sliding mode control and suppresses the chattering of the system. In the case of voltage following, input voltage and output load large disturbances, the FZST sliding mode control algorithm has strong robustness, which can improve the dynamic quality of the system and effectively solve the chattering problem.