引用本文: | 王伟,刘丹娜,王兴,高成梁,夏炜燕.黏性土冻胀风险可拓评价方法研究[J].控制理论与应用,2022,39(5):897~905.[点击复制] |
WANG Wei,LIU Dan-na,WANG Xing,GAO Cheng-liang,XIA Wei-yan.Study on extension evaluation method of frost heave risk of cohesive soil[J].Control Theory and Technology,2022,39(5):897~905.[点击复制] |
黏性土冻胀风险可拓评价方法研究 |
Study on extension evaluation method of frost heave risk of cohesive soil |
摘要点击 1449 全文点击 492 投稿时间:2021-05-20 修订日期:2022-03-21 |
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DOI编号 10.7641/CTA.2021.10428 |
2022,39(5):897-905 |
中文关键词 熵值法 可拓云模型 黏性土 冻胀 风险评价 |
英文关键词 entropy method extension cloud theory cohesive soil frost heave risk assessment |
基金项目 吉林省教育厅科学技术研究项目(JJKH20220637KJ), 长春工程学院主题基金项目(320200054)资助. |
中文摘要 |
针对黏性土冻胀性分级指标单一、界限值大, 无法反映冻胀影响因素间不确定性的问题, 本文在基于可拓
云模型在不确定性方面的优点, 结合熵值客观赋权方法提出了以取样深度、含水率、干密度、孔隙比和超塑含水率
为评价指标的可拓云综合评价模型. 该模型可根据实测数据与冻胀风险等级的随机性处理离散化问题, 真实反映指
标间的模糊性、随机性以及不确定性关系, 准确评价黏性土冻胀等级, 通过工程案例对该模型的有效性进行了验证.
研究结果表明, 基于熵值法的可拓云综合评价模型在黏性土冻胀风险评价中的应用是有效的、可行的. |
英文摘要 |
There is a problem that the classification index of frost heave of cohesive soil is single and the limit is
large, which cannot reflect the uncertainty among frost heave influencing factors. Based on the advantages of extension
cloud model in uncertainty, an extension cloud comprehensive evaluation model which uses sampling depth, water content,
dry density, void ratio and super plastic water content as evaluation indexes is proposed through combining the entropy
weighting and extension cloud model. The model can deal with the discretization problem according to the randomness
of the measured data and the frost heave risk level, truly reflect the fuzziness, randomness and uncertainty relationship
between the indexes, and accurately evaluate the frost heave level of cohesive soil. The effectiveness of the model is
verified by an engineering case. The results show that the application of extension cloud comprehensive evaluation model
based on entropy method in evaluation on frost heave risk of cohesive soil is effective and feasible. |