SUN Zhen-dong,WANG Miao-miao.Dynamical output feedback stabilization of switched autonomous systems[J].Control Theory and Technology,2022,39(8):1363~1368.[点击复制]
Dynamical output feedback stabilization of switched autonomous systems
摘要点击 3867  全文点击 642  投稿时间:2021-10-28  修订日期:2022-05-03
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DOI编号  10.7641/CTA.2022.11037
中文关键词  切换系统  反馈镇定  观测器
英文关键词  switched linear systems  feedback stabilization  observer
基金项目  国家重点研发项目(2018YFA0703800), 国家自然科学基金项目(61733018), 山东省自然科学基金项目(ZR2020ZD26)资助.
孙振东* 山东科技大学 zhendong.sun@amss.ac.cn 
王苗苗 中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院  
      本文研究离散时间切换线性自治系统的输出反馈镇定问题. 在切换系统可观测的假设下, 设计具有多线性 时变增益的动态观测器, 实现有限时间状态估计. 在此基础上, 设计多路径动态输出反馈切换策略, 实现闭环系统指 数收敛.
      This article addresses the problem of dynamic output feedback stabilization for discrete-time switched autonomous linear systems. Under the assumption that the switched system is observable, a multi-linear dynamic observer is designed for the system to achieve state reconstruction in a finite time. Furthermore, we design a multi-path dynamic output feedback switching strategy that steers the closed-loop switched linear system exponentially convergent.