WANG Jie-gang,WANG Xiang-hua,WANG Xiang-rong,ZHANG Zi-ye,WANG Jian-dong.Model free adaptive attitude control for a 3-DOF helicopter[J].Control Theory and Technology,2024,41(12):2295~2303.[点击复制]
Model free adaptive attitude control for a 3-DOF helicopter
摘要点击 3297  全文点击 44  投稿时间:2022-04-25  修订日期:2024-10-15
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DOI编号  10.7641/CTA.2023.20314
中文关键词  无模型自适应控制  三自由度直升机  数据驱动控制  姿态控制
英文关键词  model free adaptive control  3-DOF helicopter  data-driven control  attitude control
基金项目  国家自然科学基金项目 (62473056, 62071021), 山东省高等学校青年创新团队发展计划项目 (2021KJ028), 北京市科技新星计划项目(2023048 4338), 北京市科技新星交叉合作课题项目(20240484539), 北京邮电大学基本科研业务费新进教师项目(2024RC09)资助.
王介港 山东科技大学 wangjiegang1997@163.com 
王向华* 山东科技大学 XianghuaWang@bupt.edu.cn 
王向荣 北京航空航天大学  
张子叶 山东科技大学  
王建东 山东科技大学  
      本文针对三自由度直升机姿态控制系统改进了无模型自适应控制方法(MFAC). MFAC是数据驱动的控制方式, 其只利用系统输入、输出数据, 不依赖于系统数学模型. 然而现有基于紧格式动态线性化数据模型的MFAC方法要求系统满足4个假设. 本文首先证明了三自由度直升机姿态控制系统虽然满足假设1–3, 但不满足假设4 (控制输入增加时相应的受控系统输出应该是不减的). 为此, 本文针对三自由度直升机姿态控制系统改进了MFAC, 具体有: 1) 定义新的输出为角度与角速度的线性组合, 并证明了新定义的输出满足假设4; 2) 证明了新定义输出中所引入的线性参数影响了闭环系统性能; 3) 增加了输入微分项, 并证明了输入微分的引入可改善闭环系统特征根的分 布, 提高系统性能. 最后, 本文通过仿真实验和实物实验分别验证了所提方案的有效性.
      In this paper, an improvement to model free adaptive control (MFAC) method is proposed for attitude control system of a 3-DOF helicopter. MFAC is a data-driven control method and generates the control signals based on the input and output data, not relying on the system mathematical model. The existing MFAC methods based on the compact form dynamic linearized data model require the system to satisfy four assumptions, however, this paper demonstrates that the 3-DOF helicopter attitude control system satisfies all other assumptions except for Assumption 4 (the corresponding controlled system output should be non-decreasing when the control input increases). Hence for the attitude control system of a 3-DOF helicopter, following improvements are made to the existing MFAC methods: i) A new output is defined as a linear combination of angle and angular velocity, and it has been proved that the redefined output satisfies Assumption 4; ii) It is proved that the linear parameter in the redefined output influences the performance of closed-loop system; iii) The input differentiation term is added to change the eigenvalue distribution of the closed-loop system and then improve the system performance. Finally, simulations as well as experiments are conducted to verify the effectiveness of the proposed scheme, respectively.