Zhang Chun-yang,GAO Qing,LU Jin-hu,Chen Wei,Wang Jian-nan.A hierarchial robust control strategy for multi-line re-entrant manufacturing systems[J].Control Theory and Technology,2024,41(12):2237~2248.[点击复制]
A hierarchial robust control strategy for multi-line re-entrant manufacturing systems
摘要点击 3098  全文点击 91  投稿时间:2022-05-16  修订日期:2024-08-28
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DOI编号  10.7641/CTA.2023.20401
中文关键词  多生产线可重入制造系统  连续非线性偏微分方程模型  层次化架构  鲁棒控制  基于模糊模型的控制
英文关键词  multi-line re-entrant manufacturing systems  continuous-time nonlinear PDE model  hierarchial architecture  robust control  fuzzy-model-based control
基金项目  国家重点研发计划项目(2022YFF0902800), 国家自然科学基金项目(61903016, 62273016)资助.
张春阳 北京航空航天大学 18810603233@163.com 
高庆* 北京航空航天大学 gaoqing@buaa.edu.cn 
吕金虎 北京航空航天大学  
陈巍 北京航空航天大学  
王健男 北京航空航天大学  
      本文针对一类多生产线的可重入制造系统提出了一种层次化智能控制策略. 基于层次化建模的技术, 本文提出双曲型偏微分方程用以描述系统动态, 并且设计了对应的鲁棒控制器用来实现制造系统在有限时间内平稳运行的目标. 该控制策略结合T-S模糊建模技术和滑模控制策略, 在H∞指标下实现了闭环制造系统抑制系统中广泛存在的扰动. 由于所提出的控制器具有无穷维的特点, 本文提出了一种基于凸优化技术的数值计算方法用来高效求解控制器参数. 最后, 给出的仿真算例验证了该控制策略的有效性和优点.
      This article investigates the hierarchical intelligent control strategy for a class of multi-lines re-entrant manufacturing systems. Based on the hierarchical modeling technique, a hyperbolic partial differential equation (PDE) is employed to express the overall complex system behaviors and a corresponding robust controller is constructed such that the manufacturing systems enter an expected steady working mode in finite time. With the combination of the fuzzy modeling technique and sliding control approach, the closed-loop manufacturing plants can suppress the inevitable disturbances in the sense of H∞ performance. Due to the inherent infinite-dimension nature of the designed control synthesis, an effective numerical algorithm is proposed to solve the controller design via the convex optimization technique. The provided numerical experiments demonstrate the feasibility and advantages of the proposed intelligent control strategy.