ZHAO Zhen-hua,GU Zi-xiao,XUE Peng-xiang,CAO Dong,ZU Jia-kui.Composite continuous nonsingular terminal sliding mode fault tolerant attitude tracking control for flying wing UAV[J].Control Theory and Technology,2023,40(7):1277~1286.[点击复制]
Composite continuous nonsingular terminal sliding mode fault tolerant attitude tracking control for flying wing UAV
摘要点击 1808  全文点击 510  投稿时间:2022-05-29  修订日期:2023-06-17
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DOI编号  10.7641/CTA.2023.20454
中文关键词  飞翼无人机,滑模观测器,连续滑模控制,有限时间控制,容错控制
英文关键词  flying wing UAV, sliding mode observer, continuous sliding mode control, finite-time control, fault tolerance control
基金项目  国家自然科学基金项目(61903192, 6210020197, 62073164), 航空科学基金项目(20200058052002), 江苏省自然科学基金项目(BK20190402), 国家 博士后基金项目(2020M681591), 中央高校基本科研业务费项目(NT2021011)资助.
赵振华* 南京航空航天大学 自动化学院 zzh@nuaa.edu.cn 
顾子箫 南京航空航天大学 自动化学院  
薛鹏翔 中国人民解放军95791部队  
曹东 南京航空航天大学 自动化学院  
祖家奎 南京航空航天大学 自动化学院  
      本文针对受多源干扰和舵面故障影响的飞翼无人机系统姿态跟踪控制问题进行研究, 提出了一种基于高阶滑模观测器的复合连续非奇异终端滑模主动抗干扰容错控制算法, 在实现姿态跟踪误差有限时间收敛的同时, 保证了控制量的连续. 并且针对控制力矩的具体实现问题, 结合飞翼无人机气动舵面冗余特性, 给出了基于加权伪逆算法的舵面分配方案, 该方案在满足舵面约束的情况下, 保证了舵面偏转角度的最优. 仿真结果表明, 所提控制方案显著提升了飞翼无人机姿态跟踪精度和跟踪误差的收敛速度, 并且保证了所有舵面满足偏角约束.
      This paper investigates the attitude tracking control of a flying wing unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) with multi-source disturbances and control surface faults, and proposes a composite continuous nonsingular terminal sliding mode active disturbance rejection and fault tolerance control method based on high-order sliding mode observer technique. This proposed control method guarantees the finite time convergence of tracking errors with continuous control action. Considering the redundancy characteristics of flying wing UAV''s control surfaces, a weighted pseudo inverse control allocation method is proposed for the specific realization of control torques, and this allocation methods guarantees the deflection angles of the rudder surfaces are optimum and satisfying the constraints. The simulation results show that the proposed control scheme significantly improves the attitude tracking accuracy and the convergence speed of the attitude tracking error, and it also ensures that all the rudders meet the deflection constraints.