HE De-feng,CAO Pei-yi,CEN Jiang-hui.Utopia multi-objective safe predictive control of constrained nonlinear systems[J].Control Theory and Technology,2024,41(2):355~363.[点击复制]
Utopia multi-objective safe predictive control of constrained nonlinear systems
摘要点击 3194  全文点击 408  投稿时间:2022-06-17  修订日期:2023-12-06
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DOI编号  10.7641/CTA.2023.20542
中文关键词  非线性系统  模型预测控制  多目标控制  安全控制  稳定性
英文关键词  nonlinear systems  model predictive control  multi-objective control  safety control  stability
基金项目  国家自然科学基金项目(62173303), 浙江省重点研发计划项目(2020C03056)
何德峰* 浙江工业大学 hdfzj@zjut.edu.cn 
操佩颐 浙江工业大学  
岑江晖 浙江工业大学  
      考虑具有状态和控制约束的仿射非线性系统多目标安全控制问题, 本文提出一种保证安全和稳定的多目标安全模型预测控制(MOSMPC) 策略. 首先通过理想点逼近方法解决多个控制目标的冲突问题. 其次, 利用控制李雅普诺夫障碍函数(CLBF)参数化局部控制律, 并确定系统不安全域. 在此基础上, 构造非线性系统的参数化双模控制器, 减少在线求解模型预测控制(MPC)优化问题的计算量. 进一步, 应用双模控制原理和CLBF约束, 建立MOSMPC策略的递推可行性和闭环系统的渐近稳定性, 并保证闭环系统状态避开不安全域. 最后, 以加热系统的多目标控制为例, 验证了本文策略的有效性.
      This paper considers the multi-objective safe control problem of input-affine nonlinear systems subject to the constraints on the state and control. A new multi-objective safe model predictive control (MOSMPC) scheme is proposed for the system with guaranteed safety and stability. First, the utopia-point approximation method is adopted to solve the conflicting problem of multiple control objectives. Second, the control Lyapunov-barrier function (CLBF) is used to parameterize the local control laws of the system and determine the unsafe domains of the system. Then the parameterized dual-mode controller of the nonlinear system is constructed to reduce the computational amount of online solving the MPC optimization problem. Moreover, recursive feasibility of the MOSMPC scheme and asymptotic stability of the closed-loop system are established via the dual-mode control principle and the CLBF constraint, which ensures that the states of the closed-loop system can avoid the unsafe domain. Finally, an example of multi-objective control of a heating system is used to verify the effectiveness of the proposed strategy.