ZHANG Yi,LI Ze,CUI Guo-zeng,HAO Wan-jun,ZHOU Cheng-long.Distributed cooperative control of islanded microgrids under dynamic event trigger[J].Control Theory and Technology,2024,41(12):2335~2344.[点击复制]
Distributed cooperative control of islanded microgrids under dynamic event trigger
摘要点击 2999  全文点击 39  投稿时间:2022-11-11  修订日期:2024-10-13
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DOI编号  10.7641/CTA.2023.21000
中文关键词  分布式控制  动态事件触发机制  下垂控制  孤岛微电网
英文关键词  distributed control  dynamic event-triggered mechanism  droop control  islanded microgrids
基金项目  国家自然科学基金项目(61703059), 江苏省自然科学基金优秀青年基金项目(BK20211605), 苏州市科技发展计划(民生科技)项目(SS202024), 江苏 省研究生科研与实践创新计划项目(SJCX21–1428)资助.
张奕 苏州科技大学 215009
李泽* 苏州科技大学 215009
崔国增 苏州科技大学 
郝万君 苏州科技大学 
周成龙 苏州科技大学 
      针对孤岛微电网中分布式发电机的二次控制问题, 本文提出了一种基于动态事件触发机制的分布式协同控制策略, 每一个发电单元引入了动态事件触发机制来辅助通信, 从而节约了微电网中的通信资源. 本文提出了包含内部动态变量的事件触发条件, 根据此变量动态调节事件触发中的阈值, 有效减少控制器的更新频率. 所提出的控制方案是完全分布式的, 每个发电单元仅需自身与邻居之间进行信息交换, 降低了中央控制器以及复杂通信网络的要求, 提高了系统的稳定性. 消除了由于初级控制引起的电压和频率的偏差, 同时, 避免了芝诺行为. 最后, 仿真中搭建孤岛微电网模型验证了本文控制方案的有效性.
      To address the secondary control problem of distributed generators in islanded microgrids, this paper proposes a distributed cooperative control strategy based on dynamic event triggering mechanism, where each generation unit introduces a dynamic event triggering mechanism to assist communication, thus saving communication resources in the microgrid. This paper proposes an event triggering condition containing internal dynamic variables, according to which the threshold value in the event triggering is dynamically adjusted to effectively reduce the update frequency of the controller. The proposed control scheme is fully distributed, and each generation unit only needs to exchange information between itself and its neighbors, which reduces the requirement for a central controller and a complex communication network and improves the stability of the system. Voltage and frequency deviations due to primary control are eliminated, while Zeno behavior is avoided. Finally, the effectiveness of this control scheme is verified by building an islanded microgrid model in simulation.