Jan Erik STELLET,Tobias ROGG2.[en_title][J].Control Theory and Technology,2014,12(4):345~356.[Copy]
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On linear observers and application to fault detection in synchronous generators
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
This work introduces an observer structure and highlights its distinct advantages in fault detection and isolation. Its application to the issue of shorted turns detection in synchronous generators is demonstrated. For the theoretical foundation, the convergence and design of Luenberger-type observers for disturbed linear time-invariant (LTI) single-input single-output (SISO) systems are reviewed with a particular focus on input and output disturbances. As an additional result, a simple observer design for stationary output disturbances that avoids a system order extension, as in classical results, is proposed.
关键词:  Synchronous generators  Field winding  Fault detection  Unknown input observer (UIO)  Disturbance observer  Residual generation
Received:March 07, 2013Revised:October 11, 2014
On linear observers and application to fault detection in synchronous generators
Jan Erik STELLET,Tobias ROGG2
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology;Swiss Federal Institute of Technology)
This work introduces an observer structure and highlights its distinct advantages in fault detection and isolation. Its application to the issue of shorted turns detection in synchronous generators is demonstrated. For the theoretical foundation, the convergence and design of Luenberger-type observers for disturbed linear time-invariant (LTI) single-input single-output (SISO) systems are reviewed with a particular focus on input and output disturbances. As an additional result, a simple observer design for stationary output disturbances that avoids a system order extension, as in classical results, is proposed.
Key words:  Synchronous generators  Field winding  Fault detection  Unknown input observer (UIO)  Disturbance observer  Residual generation