O. Bagherieh,R. Nagamune.[en_title][J].Control Theory and Technology,2015,13(2):160~172.[Copy]
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Gain-scheduling control of a floating offshore wind turbine above rated wind speed
(Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of California at Berkeley)
This paper presents an application of gain-scheduling (GS) control techniques to a floating offshore wind turbine on a barge platform for above rated wind speed cases. Special emphasis is placed on the dynamics variation of the wind turbine system caused by plant nonlinearity with respect to wind speed. The turbine system with the dynamics variation is represented by a linear parameter-varying (LPV) model, which is derived by interpolating linearized models at various operating wind speeds. To achieve control objectives of regulating power capture and minimizing platform motions, both linear quadratic regulator (LQR) GS and LPV GS controller design techniques are explored. The designed controllers are evaluated in simulations with the NREL 5MWwind turbine model, and compared with the baseline proportional-integral (PI) GS controller and non-GS controllers. The simulation results demonstrate the performance superiority of LQR GS and LPV GS controllers, as well as the performance trade-off between power regulation and platform movement reduction.
关键词:  Wind energy, gain-scheduling control, linear parameter-varying model, floating offshore wind turbines, above rated wind speed, power capture, platform motion
Received:October 30, 2014Revised:April 27, 2015
Gain-scheduling control of a floating offshore wind turbine above rated wind speed
O. Bagherieh,R. Nagamune
(Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of California at Berkeley;Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of British Columbia)
This paper presents an application of gain-scheduling (GS) control techniques to a floating offshore wind turbine on a barge platform for above rated wind speed cases. Special emphasis is placed on the dynamics variation of the wind turbine system caused by plant nonlinearity with respect to wind speed. The turbine system with the dynamics variation is represented by a linear parameter-varying (LPV) model, which is derived by interpolating linearized models at various operating wind speeds. To achieve control objectives of regulating power capture and minimizing platform motions, both linear quadratic regulator (LQR) GS and LPV GS controller design techniques are explored. The designed controllers are evaluated in simulations with the NREL 5MWwind turbine model, and compared with the baseline proportional-integral (PI) GS controller and non-GS controllers. The simulation results demonstrate the performance superiority of LQR GS and LPV GS controllers, as well as the performance trade-off between power regulation and platform movement reduction.
Key words:  Wind energy, gain-scheduling control, linear parameter-varying model, floating offshore wind turbines, above rated wind speed, power capture, platform motion