Y. V. Venkatesh.[en_title][J].Control Theory and Technology,2016,14(4):347~368.[Copy]
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Frequency-domain stability criteria for SISO and MIMO nonlinear feedback systems with constant and variable time-delays
((Formerly) Division of Electrical Sciences, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560012, India; \\ Department of ECE, National University of Singapore, Singapore)
New frequency-domain criteria are proposed for the $L_2$-stability of both nonlinear single-input-single-output (SISO) and nonlinear multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) feedback systems, described by nonlinear integral equations. For SISO systems, the feedback block is a constant scalar gain in product with a linear combination of first-and-third-quadrant scalar nonlinearities (FATQNs) with time-delay argument functions; and, for MIMO systems, it is a constant matrix gain in product with a linear combination of vector FATQNs also with time-delay argument functions. In both the cases, the delay function in the arguments of the nonlinearities may be, in general, i) zero, ii) a constant, iii) variable-time and iv) fixed-history (only for SISO systems). The stability criteria are derived from certain recently introduced algebraic inequalities concerning the scalar and vector nonlinearities, and involve the causal+anticausal O'Shea-Zames-Falb multiplier function (scalar for SISO systems and matrix for MIMO systems). Its time-domain $L_1$-norm is constrained by the coefficients and characteristic parameters (CPs) of the nonlinearities and, in the case of the time-varying delay, by its rate of variation also. The stability criteria, which are independent of Lyapunov-Krasovskii or Lyapunov-Razumikhin functions and do not seem to be derivable by invoking linear matrix inequalities, seem to be the first of their kind. Two numerical examples for each of SISO and MIMO systems illustrate the criteria.
关键词:  $L_2$-stability, time-delay systems, feedback systems, multiplier functions, K-P-Y lemma, Nyquist's criterion, Popov criterion
Frequency-domain stability criteria for SISO and MIMO nonlinear feedback systems with constant and variable time-delays
Y. V. Venkatesh
((Formerly) Division of Electrical Sciences, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560012, India; \\ Department of ECE, National University of Singapore, Singapore)
New frequency-domain criteria are proposed for the $L_2$-stability of both nonlinear single-input-single-output (SISO) and nonlinear multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) feedback systems, described by nonlinear integral equations. For SISO systems, the feedback block is a constant scalar gain in product with a linear combination of first-and-third-quadrant scalar nonlinearities (FATQNs) with time-delay argument functions; and, for MIMO systems, it is a constant matrix gain in product with a linear combination of vector FATQNs also with time-delay argument functions. In both the cases, the delay function in the arguments of the nonlinearities may be, in general, i) zero, ii) a constant, iii) variable-time and iv) fixed-history (only for SISO systems). The stability criteria are derived from certain recently introduced algebraic inequalities concerning the scalar and vector nonlinearities, and involve the causal+anticausal O'Shea-Zames-Falb multiplier function (scalar for SISO systems and matrix for MIMO systems). Its time-domain $L_1$-norm is constrained by the coefficients and characteristic parameters (CPs) of the nonlinearities and, in the case of the time-varying delay, by its rate of variation also. The stability criteria, which are independent of Lyapunov-Krasovskii or Lyapunov-Razumikhin functions and do not seem to be derivable by invoking linear matrix inequalities, seem to be the first of their kind. Two numerical examples for each of SISO and MIMO systems illustrate the criteria.
Key words:  $L_2$-stability, time-delay systems, feedback systems, multiplier functions, K-P-Y lemma, Nyquist's criterion, Popov criterion