Silun Zhang,Thomas Ohlson Timoudas,Munther A. Dahleh.[en_title][J].Control Theory and Technology,2020,18(4):409~418.[Copy]
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Consensus with preserved privacy against neighbor collusion
(Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems (LIDS), MIT, Cambridge, MA, 02139, USA;KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 100 44, Stockholm, Sweden)
This paper proposes a privacy-preserving algorithm to solve the average-consensus problem based on Shamir’s secret sharing scheme, in which a network of agents reach an agreement on their states without exposing their individual states until an agreement is reached. Unlike other methods, the proposed algorithm renders the network resistant to the collusion of any given number of neighbors (even with all neighbors’ colluding). Another virtue of this work is that such a method can protect the network consensus procedure from eavesdropping.
关键词:  Privacy-preserving consensus · Cyber security · Network control · Secret sharing scheme
基金项目:This work was supported by Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation.
Consensus with preserved privacy against neighbor collusion
Silun Zhang,Thomas Ohlson Timoudas,Munther A. Dahleh
(Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems (LIDS), MIT, Cambridge, MA, 02139, USA;KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 100 44, Stockholm, Sweden)
This paper proposes a privacy-preserving algorithm to solve the average-consensus problem based on Shamir’s secret sharing scheme, in which a network of agents reach an agreement on their states without exposing their individual states until an agreement is reached. Unlike other methods, the proposed algorithm renders the network resistant to the collusion of any given number of neighbors (even with all neighbors’ colluding). Another virtue of this work is that such a method can protect the network consensus procedure from eavesdropping.
Key words:  Privacy-preserving consensus · Cyber security · Network control · Secret sharing scheme