Abdallah Hossam1,Ayman El-Badawy1.[en_title][J].Control Theory and Technology,2022,20(4):536~554.[Copy]
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Mu-based trajectory tracking control for a quad-rotor UAV
(1 Mechatronics Engineering Department, German University in Cairo, 5th Settlement, New Cairo, Cairo 11835, Egypt)
In this paper, the design and application of a robust mu-synthesis-based controller for quad-rotor trajectory tracking are presented. The proposed design approach guarantees robust performance over a weakly nonlinear range of operation of the quad-rotor, which is a practical range that suits various applications. The controller considers different structured and unstructured uncertainties, such as unmodeled dynamics and perturbation in the parameters. The controller also provides robustness against external disturbances such as wind gusts and wind turbulence. The proposed controller is fixed and linear; therefore, it has a very low computational cost. Moreover, the controller meets all design specifications without tuning. To validate this control strategy, the proposed approach is compared to a linear quadratic regulator (LQR) controller using a high- fidelity quad-rotor simulation environment. In addition, the experimental results presented show the validity of the proposed control strategy.
关键词:  Mu-synthesis · Robust control · H-infinity · Trajectory tracking
Mu-based trajectory tracking control for a quad-rotor UAV
Abdallah Hossam1,Ayman El-Badawy1
(1 Mechatronics Engineering Department, German University in Cairo, 5th Settlement, New Cairo, Cairo 11835, Egypt)
In this paper, the design and application of a robust mu-synthesis-based controller for quad-rotor trajectory tracking are presented. The proposed design approach guarantees robust performance over a weakly nonlinear range of operation of the quad-rotor, which is a practical range that suits various applications. The controller considers different structured and unstructured uncertainties, such as unmodeled dynamics and perturbation in the parameters. The controller also provides robustness against external disturbances such as wind gusts and wind turbulence. The proposed controller is fixed and linear; therefore, it has a very low computational cost. Moreover, the controller meets all design specifications without tuning. To validate this control strategy, the proposed approach is compared to a linear quadratic regulator (LQR) controller using a high- fidelity quad-rotor simulation environment. In addition, the experimental results presented show the validity of the proposed control strategy.
Key words:  Mu-synthesis · Robust control · H-infinity · Trajectory tracking