Yulong WANG,Guanghong YANG.[en_title][J].Control Theory and Technology,2010,8(1):099~104.[Copy]
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Received:September 04, 2009Revised:September 04, 2009
基金项目:The Funds for Creative Research Groups of China (No.60821063), the State Key Program of National Natural Science of China (No.60534010), the National 973 Program of China (No.2009CB320604), the Funds of National Science of China (No.60674021,60804024), the 111 Project (No.B08015), and the Funds of PhD program of MOE, China (No.20060145019)
H-infinity performance optimization for networked control systems with limited communication channels
Yulong WANG,Guanghong YANG
(Jiangsu University of Science and Technology;Northeastern University)
This paper studies the problems of H-infinity performance optimization and controller design for continuoustime NCSs with both sensor-to-controller and controller-to-actuator communication constraints (limited communication channels). By taking the derivative character of network-induced delay into full consideration and defining new Lyapunov functions, linear matrix inequalities (LMIs)-based H-infinity performance optimization and controller design are presented for NCSs with limited communication channels. If there do not exist any constraints on the communication channels, the proposed design methods are also applicable. The merit of the proposed methods lies in their less conservativeness, which is achieved by avoiding the utilization of bounding inequalities for cross products of vectors. The simulation results illustrate the merit and effectiveness of the proposed H-infinity controller design for NCSs with limited communication channels.
Key words:  Networked control systems (NCSs)  Limited communication channels  Performance optimization  Controller design