Changfan ZHANG,Yishan HUANG,Rui SHAO.[en_title][J].Control Theory and Technology,2012,10(4):528~532.[Copy]
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(College of Electrical and Information Engineering, Hunan University of Technology;College of Electrical and Information Engineering, Hunan University of Technology; Hunan CSR Times Electric Vehicle Co., Ltd)
Received:August 20, 2010Revised:August 07, 2011
基金项目:This work was supported by the Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 61104024).
Robust sensor faults detection for induction motor using observer
Changfan ZHANG,Yishan HUANG,Rui SHAO
(College of Electrical and Information Engineering, Hunan University of Technology;College of Electrical and Information Engineering, Hunan University of Technology; Hunan CSR Times Electric Vehicle Co., Ltd)
Current sensor is one of the key elements in the control system of induction motor. Whether the accurate measurement of variables reflecting motor operation status can be made will directly affect the control effect on motor system and therefore the timely, accurate detection of sensor fault is necessary. This paper brings forward an observerbased method of residual generation and fault detection on the basis of the mathematical model of the induction motor. As whether or not the nonlinear part satisfies the Lipschitz conditions does not limit the observer design, the application of such an observer is expanded. Meanwhile, the contradiction between robust error and fault sensitivity is also settled. The correctness and effectiveness of such method are verified by experimental testing on the simulated fault which also casts light on engineering practice.
Key words:  Induction motor  Observer  Sensor  Fault detection  Robust residual