A. K. Oudjida.[en_title][J].Control Theory and Technology,2014,12(1):68~83.[Copy]
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Design of high-speed and low-power finite-word-length PID controllers
(Centre de D′eveloppement des Technologies Avanc′ees, Algiers, Algeria)
ASIC or FPGA implementation of a finite word-length PID controller requires a double expertise: in control system and hardware design. In this paper, we only focus on the hardware side of the problem. We show how to design configurable fixed-point PIDs to satisfy applications requiring minimal power consumption, or high control-rate, or both together. As multiply operation is the engine of PID, we experienced three algorithms: Booth, modified Booth, and a new recursive multi-bit multiplication algorithm. This later enables the construction of finely grained PID structures with bit-level and unit-time precision. Such a feature permits to tailor the PID to the desired performance and power budget. All PIDs are implemented at register-transfer-level (RTL) level as technology-independent reusable IP-cores. They are reconfigurable according to two compile-time constants: set-point word-length and latency. To make PID design easily reproducible, all necessary implementation details are provided and discussed.
关键词:  Design-reuse  Embedded finite-word-length (FWL) controllers  Intellectual property (IP)  Linear time invariant (LTI) systems  Low-power and speed optimization  PID
Design of high-speed and low-power finite-word-length PID controllers
A. K. Oudjida
(Centre de D′eveloppement des Technologies Avanc′ees, Algiers, Algeria)
ASIC or FPGA implementation of a finite word-length PID controller requires a double expertise: in control system and hardware design. In this paper, we only focus on the hardware side of the problem. We show how to design configurable fixed-point PIDs to satisfy applications requiring minimal power consumption, or high control-rate, or both together. As multiply operation is the engine of PID, we experienced three algorithms: Booth, modified Booth, and a new recursive multi-bit multiplication algorithm. This later enables the construction of finely grained PID structures with bit-level and unit-time precision. Such a feature permits to tailor the PID to the desired performance and power budget. All PIDs are implemented at register-transfer-level (RTL) level as technology-independent reusable IP-cores. They are reconfigurable according to two compile-time constants: set-point word-length and latency. To make PID design easily reproducible, all necessary implementation details are provided and discussed.
Key words:  Design-reuse  Embedded finite-word-length (FWL) controllers  Intellectual property (IP)  Linear time invariant (LTI) systems  Low-power and speed optimization  PID