Hang ZHANG,Dayong LUO.[en_title][J].Control Theory and Technology,2004,2(1):89~92.[Copy]
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Received:March 10, 2003Revised:November 05, 2003
Application of an expert system using neural network to control the coagulant dosing in water treatment plant
Hang ZHANG,Dayong LUO
(School of Information Science and Engineering, Central South Univereity, Changsha Hunan 410075, China)
The coagulation process is one of the most important stages in water treatment plant, which involves many complex physical and chemical phenomena. Moreover, coagulant dosing rate is non-linearly correlated to raw water characteristics such as turbidity, conductivity, PH, temperature, etc. As such, coagulation reaction is hard or even impossible to control satisfactorily by conventional methods. Based on neural network and rule models, an expert system for determining the optimum chemical dosage rate is developed and used in a water treatment work, and the results of actual runs show that in the condition of satisfying the demand of drinking water quality, the usage of coagulant is lowered.
Key words:  Water treatment  Process control  Expert system  Neural network  Rule models