Pan Zhang,Lei Jia,Guohui Tian.[en_title][J].Control Theory and Technology,2004,2(3):229~238.[Copy]
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Received:April 26, 2004Revised:August 10, 2004
Pick sequencing optimization problem in the rotary rack S/R system
Pan Zhang, Lei Jia,Guohui Tian
(School of Control Science and Engineering, Shandong University, 250061 Jinan Shandong, China)
The problem of pick sequencing in the rotary rack S/R system (PPS-RRS) is investigated with the objective of minimizing the execution time. The rotary rack S/R system consists of one S/R machine and multiple levels of carousels that can rotate independently in bi-directions. The routing policy, namely the decision on the storage or retrieval sequence, dominates the efficiency and the throughput for such S/R systems, due to the complicated relationship between all levels of carousels and the S/R machine. For the purpose of optimizing the PPS-RRS, a computational model is developed in terms of execution time for picking multiple items in one trip. Characteristics of the PPS-RRS are analyzed and a local search heuristic based on a newly proposed neighborhood is presented. Integrated with the proposed local search procedure a new hybrid genetic algorithm is developed. Experimental results demonstrate the structure characteristics of good sequence and the efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed sequencing algorithms.
Key words:  Rotary rack S/R system  Hybrid genetic algorithm  Sequencing problem  Level-blank neighborhood  Local search