Qingxu Yan,Li Wan,Dexing Feng.[en_title][J].Control Theory and Technology,2004,2(3):283~287.[Copy]
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Received:November 11, 2003Revised:June 29, 2004
On boundary feedback stabilization of Timoshenko beam with rotor inertia at the tip
Qingxu Yan, Li Wan,Dexing Feng
(School of Information Engineering, China Geosciences University, 100083 Beijing, China;Department of Earth Sciences, China Geosciences University, 100083 Beijing, China;Sciences College, Guangzhou University, 510405 Guangzhou Guangdong, China;Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 100080 Beijing, China)
The feedback stabilization problem of a nonuniform Timoshenko beam system with rotor inertia at the tip of the beam is studied. First, as a special kind of linear boundary force feedback and moment control is applied to the beam' s tip, the strict mathematical treatment,a suitable state Hilbert space is chosen, and the well-poseness of the corresponding closed loop system is proved by using the semigroup theory of bounded linear operators. Then the energy corresponding to the closed loop system is shown to be exponentially stable. Finally, in the special case of uniform beam,some sufficient and necessary conditions for the corresponding closed loop system to be asymptotically stable are derived.
Key words:  Boundary feedback control  Timoshenko beam  C o semigroups  Exponential stability  Asymptotic stability  Multiplier method