Xuan ZHOU,Shouyi YU,Jiang YU,Liequan LIANG.[en_title][J].Control Theory and Technology,2004,2(4):401~405.[Copy]
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Received:July 18, 2003Revised:October 15, 2004
Multivariable temperature measurement and control system of large-scaled vertical quench furnace based on temperature field
Xuan ZHOU, Shouyi YU, Jiang YU, Liequan LIANG
(College of Information Science and Engineering, Central South University, Changsha Hunan 410083, China; Texas Instrument Company,Dalas TX 75125,U.S.A)
A temperature control system of 31m vertical forced air-circulation quench furnace is proposed, which is a kind of equipment critical for thermal treatment of aluminum alloy components that are widely used in aerospace industry. For the effective operation of the furnace, it is essential to analyze the radial temperature distribution of the furnace. A set of thermodynamic balance equations modeling is established firstly. By utilizing the numerical analysis result to modify the temperature measurements, the control accuracy and precision of the temperature are truly guaranteed. Furthennore, the multivariable decoupling self-learning PID control algorithm based on the characteristics of strong coupling between the multi-zones in the large-scaled furnace is implemented to ensure the true homogeneity of the axial temperature distribution. Finally, the redundant structure composed of industrial control computers and touch panels leads to great improvement of system reliability.
Key words:  Axial temperature distribution homogeneity  Radial temperature distribution  Decoupling self-learning PID control  Redundant structure