Guangdeng ZONG,Yuqiang WU.[en_title][J].Control Theory and Technology,2005,3(1):60~66.[Copy]
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Received:February 16, 2004Revised:January 10, 2005
Exponential stability of switched systems with imp ulsive effect
Guangdeng ZONG , Yuqiang WU
(Research Institute of Automation ,Qufu Normal University ,Qufu Shandong 273165 , China ;Research Institute of Automation ,Southeast University ,Nanjing Jiangsu 210096 , China)
The exponential stability of a class of switched systems containing stable and unstable subsystems with impulsive effect is analyzed by using the matrix measure concept and the average dwell- time approach. It is shown that if appropriately a large amount of the average dwell- time and the ratio of the total activation time of the subsystems with negative matrix measure to the total activation time of the subsystems with nonnegative matrix measure is chosen , the exponential stability of a desired degree is guaranteed. Using the proposed switching scheme ,we studied the robust exponential stability for a class of switched systems with impulsive effect and structure perturbations. Simulations validate the main results.
Key words:  Matrix measure  Average dwell- time  Exponential stability  Hybrid dynamical systems