Wenjin GU,Hongchao ZHAO,Changpeng PAN.[en_title][J].Control Theory and Technology,2005,3(1):71~75.[Copy]
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Received:February 09, 2004Revised:February 28, 2005
Sliding mode cont rol f or an aerodynamic missile based on backstepping design
Wenjin GU , Hongchao ZHAO , Changpeng PAN
(Faculty 301 ,Naval Aeronautical Engineering Institute , Yantai Shandong 264001 , China)
In order to solve the mismatched uncertainties of a class of nonlinear systems ,a control method of sliding mode control (SMC) based on the backstepping design is proposed. It introduces SMC in to the last step of backstepping design to modify the backstepping algorithm. This combination not only enables the generalization of the backstepping design to be applied to more general nonlinear systems ,but also makes the SMC method become effective in solving the mismatched uncertainties. The SMC based on the backstepping design is applied to the flight control system design of an aerodynamic missile. The control system is researched through simulation. The simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed control method.
Key words:  Mismatched uncertainties  Sliding mode control  Backstepping design  Aerodynamic missile