Yan ZHANG,Shaoyuan LI.[en_title][J].Control Theory and Technology,2005,3(2):131~138.[Copy]
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Received:April 26, 2004Revised:January 25, 2005
DISOPE distributed model predictive control of cascade systems with network communication
Yan ZHANG, Shaoyuan LI
(Institute of Automation,Shanghai Jiao Tong University,Shanghai 200030, China)
A novel distributed model predictive control scheme based on dynamic integrated system optimization and parameter estimation (DISOPE) was proposed for nonlinear cascade systems under net work environment.Under the distributed control structure ,online optimization of the cascade system was composed of several cascaded agents that can cooperate and exchange information via network communication.By iterating on modified distributed lin ear optimal control problems on the basis of est imating parameters at every iteration the correct op timal control action of the nonlinear model predicti ve control problem of the cascade system could b e obtained,assuming that the algorithm was convergen t.This approach avoids solving the complex nonlinear optimi zation problem and significantly reduces the computation al burden.The simulation results of the fossil f uel power unit are illustrated to verify the eff ectiveness and practicability of the proposed algorithm.
Key words:  Cascade systems  Dynamic integrated syst em optimization and parameter estimation(DISOPE)  Model predictive control (MPC)  Distributed control system (DCS)  Autonomous ag ents  Fossil fuel power unit (FFPU)