Pingfang ZHOU,Jianying XIE,Xiaolong DENG.[en_title][J].Control Theory and Technology,2006,4(2):175~180.[Copy]
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Received:July 05, 2005Revised:February 22, 2006
Optimal feedback scheduling of model predictive controllers
Pingfang ZHOU, Jianying XIE, Xiaolong DENG
(Department of Automation, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200030, China)
Model predictive control (MPC) could not be reliably applied to real-time control systems because its computation time is not well defined. Implemented as anytime algorithm, MPC task allows computation time to be traded for control performance, thus obtaining the predictability in time. Optimal feedback scheduling (FS-CBS) of a set of MPC tasks is presented to maximize the global control performance subject to limited processor time. Each MPC task is assigned with a constant bandwidth server (CBS), whose reserved processor time is adjusted dynamically. The constraints in the FS-CBS guarantee scheduler of the total task set and stability of each component. The FS-CBS is shown robust against the variation of execution time of MPC tasks at runtime. Simulation results illustrate its effectiveness.
Key words:  Real-time control system  Scheduling  Model predictive control