Yuanyuan ZOU,Shaoyuan LI.[en_title][J].Control Theory and Technology,2007,5(1):71~76.[Copy]
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Received:October 28, 2005Revised:September 29, 2006
Max-plus-linear model-based predictive control for constrained hybrid systems: linear programming solution
Yuanyuan ZOU, Shaoyuan LI
(nstitute of Automation, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China)
In this paper, a linear programming method is proposed to solve model predictive control for a class of hybrid systems. Firstly, using the (max, +) algebra, a typical subclass of hybrid systems called max-plus-linear (MPL) systems is obtained. And then, model predictive control (MPC) framework is extended to MPL systems. In general, the nonlinear optimization approach or extended linear complementarity problem (ELCP) were applied to solve the MPL-MPC optimization problem. A new optimization method based on canonical forms for max-min-plus-scaling (MMPS) functions (using the operations maximization, minimization, addition and scalar multiplication) with linear constraints on the inputs is presented. The proposed approach consists in solving several linear programming problems and is more efficient than nonlinear optimization. The validity of the algorithm is illustrated by an example.
Key words:  Hybrid systems  Max-plus-linear systems  Model predictive control  Canonical form  Max-min-plus-scaling function  Linear programming