Guangdeng ZONG,Yuqiang WU,Baoyong ZHANG,Yangyang KONG.[en_title][J].Control Theory and Technology,2007,5(4):351~356.[Copy]
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Received:March 27, 2006Revised:April 03, 2007
Robust exponential stability of uncertain discrete time impulsive switching systems with state delay
Guangdeng ZONG, Yuqiang WU, Baoyong ZHANG, Yangyang KONG
(School of Automation, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing Jiangsu 210094, China; Institute of Automation, Qufu Normal University, Qufu Shandong 273165, China)
A new class of hybrid impulsive and switching models are introduced and their robust exponential stability and control synthesis are addressed. The proposed switched system is composed of stable subsystems and unstable subsystems, which not only involves state delay and norm-bounded time-varying parameter uncertainties, but also contains the impulsive switching effects between the subsystems. Based on the extension of the system dimension and the concept of average dwell time, a kind of practically useful switching rule is presented which guarantees the desired robust exponential stability. A switched state feedback controller is also given.
Key words:  Exponential stability  Switched systems  Switching control  State delay  Average dwell time