Yuan GE,Li TIAN,Zhenan LIU.[en_title][J].Control Theory and Technology,2007,5(4):374~379.[Copy]
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Received:July 31, 2006Revised:June 21, 2007
Survey on the stability of networked control systems
Yuan GE, Li TIAN, Zhenan LIU
(Anhui Provincial Key Laboratory of Electric and Control, Wuhu Anhui 241000, China; Department of Automation, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei Anhui 230027, China)
The insertion of the communication network in the feedback control loop makes the analysis and design of a network control system more complex, and induces some issues that degrade the control system’s performance and even cause system instability. The main aspects are focused on the stability analysis of Network Control Systems (NCSs) with network-induced delays, data packet dropouts, and multiple-packet transmission. These issues must be considered in the design of an NCS. This work summarizes the main research results, and remarks on some related handling approaches and techniques. The main purpose of the survey is to present the new research state of NCSs and to point out some fields of future work.
Key words:  Networked control systems  Network-induced delay  Packet losses  Multiple-packet transmission  Stability