Lixin GAO,Daizhan CHENG,Yiguang HONG.[en_title][J].Control Theory and Technology,2008,6(4):357~364.[Copy]
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Received:March 09, 2007Revised:January 30, 2008
Control of group of mobile autonomous agents via local strategies
Lixin GAO, Daizhan CHENG, Yiguang HONG
(Institute of Operations Research and Control Sciences, Wenzhou University, Wenzhou Zhejiang 325027, China; Institute of Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100080, China)
Abstract: This paper considers the formation control problem of multi-agent systems in a distributed fashion. Two cases of the information propagating topologies among multiple agents, characterized by graphics model, are considered. One is fixed topology. The other is switching topology which represents the limited and less reliable information exchange. The local formation control strategies established in this paper are based on a simple modification of the existing consensus control strategies. Moreover, some existing convergence conditions are shown to be a special case of our model even in the continuous-time consensus case. Therefore, the results of this paper extend the existing results about the consensus problem.
Key words:  Formation control  Distributed control  Multi-agent coordination  Mobile autonomous agent