Yogesh V. HOTE.[en_title][J].Control Theory and Technology,2012,10(4):465~469.[Copy]
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(Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology)
Received:March 14, 2010Revised:October 31, 2011
A new approach to time domain analysis of perturbed PWM push-pull DC-DC converter
Yogesh V. HOTE
(Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology)
In this paper, an analytical technique is presented for time domain analysis (transient and steady-state response) of perturbed PWM push-pull DC-DC converter using interesting corollary on Kharitonov’s theorem. The main advantage of the proposed analysis is that even though the transfer function model of a PWM push-pull DC-DC converter is perturbed, the complete analysis has been done on a linear transfer function model of a PWM push-pull DC-DC converter. The proposed analysis is verified using MATLAB simulation. This analysis will be very much useful to power electronics engineers, since the technique is very simple and computationally efficient and easily applicable in precise applications such as aerospace applications.
Key words:  Kharitonov’s theorem  Perturbed PWM push-pull DC-DC converter  Transient response  Steady state response  Stability  Aerospace applications.