Fang YANG,Chaoli WANG.[en_title][J].Control Theory and Technology,2012,10(1):056~063.[Copy]
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(Business School, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology; School of Science, Ningbo University of Technology;Control Science and Engineering Department, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology)
Received:April 08, 2010Revised:June 23, 2010
基金项目:This paper was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 60874002), the Key Project of Shanghai Education Committee (No. 09ZZ158), and the Key Discipline of Shanghai (No. S30501).
Adaptive tracking control for uncertain dynamic nonholonomic mobile robots based on visual servoing
Fang YANG,Chaoli WANG
(Business School, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology; School of Science, Ningbo University of Technology;Control Science and Engineering Department, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology)
The trajectory tracking control problem of dynamic nonholonomic wheeled mobile robots is considered via visual servoing feedback. A kinematic controller is firstly presented for the kinematic model, and then, an adaptive sliding mode controller is designed for the uncertain dynamic model in the presence of parametric uncertainties associated with the camera system. The proposed controller is robust not only to structured uncertainties such as mass variation but also to unstructured one such as disturbances. The asymptotic convergence of tracking errors to equilibrium point is rigorously proved by the Lyapunov method. Simulation results are provided to illustrate the performance of the control law.
Key words:  Nonholonomic mobile robots  Dynamic  Kinematic  Tracking  Visual servoing