Xiangtao YU,Lan ZHANG,Linrui GUO,Feng ZHOU.[en_title][J].Control Theory and Technology,2012,10(3):349~353.[Copy]
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(Aerospace Science and Industry Inertial Technology Co., Ltd.)
Received:April 09, 2010Revised:April 06, 2011
基金项目:This work was supported by the National Key Basic Research and Development Program (No. 61388).
Identification for temperature model of accelerometer based on proximal SVR and particle swarm optimization algorithms
Xiangtao YU,Lan ZHANG,Linrui GUO,Feng ZHOU
(Aerospace Science and Industry Inertial Technology Co., Ltd.)
The impact of temperature on accelerometer will directly influence the precision of the inertial navigation system (INS). To eliminate the measurement error of accelerometer, this paper proposes a proximal support vector regression (PSVR) algorithm for generating a linear or nonlinear regression which requires the solution to single system of linear equations. PSVR is used to identify the static temperature model of the accelerometer. In order to improve the identifying performance, the kernel parameters and penalty factors of PSVR are optimized by the canonical particle swarm optimization (CPSO). The experiments under different temperature conditions were conducted. The experimental results show that the proposed PSVR can correctly identify the static temperature model of quartz flexure accelerometer and is more efficient than those of the standard SVR and least square algorithm.
Key words:  Proximal support vector regression  Particle swarm optimization  System identification  Quartz flexure accelerometer  Inertial navigation system