Hongru WANG;Changhong WANG;Shaoshuai MOU;Huijun GAO.[en_title][J].Control Theory and Technology,2007,5(2):139~144.[Copy]
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Received:April 18, 2006Revised:September 18, 2006
Robust fault detection for discrete-time Markovian jump systems with mode-dependent time-delays
Hongru WANG;Changhong WANG;Shaoshuai MOU;Huijun GAO
(School of Information Communication Engineering, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin Heilongjiang 150001, China;Space Control and Inertial Technology Research Center, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin Heilongjiang 150001, China;Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, The University of Alberta, Edmonton Alberta T6G 2V4, Canada)
This paper investigates a fault detection problem for a class of discrete-time Markovian jump systems with norm-bounded uncertainties and mode-dependent time-delays. Attention is focused on constructing the residual generator based on the filter which its parameters matrices are dependent on the system mode, that is, the fault detection filter is a Markovian jump system as well. The design of fault detection filter is reduced to H-infinity filtering problem by using H-infinity control theory, which can guarantee the difference between the residual and the fault (or, more generally weighted fault) as small as possible in the context of enhancing the robustness of residual to modeling errors, control inputs and unknown inputs. Sufficient condition for the existence of the above filters is established by means of linear matrix inequalities, which can be readily {solved by using standard numerical software. A numerical example is given to illustrate the feasibility of the proposed method.
Key words:  Markovian jump system  Time-delay  Fault detection  H-infinity filtering  Linear matrix inequality  Residual