Keyi XING; Feng TIAN; Xiaojun YANG.[en_title][J].Control Theory and Technology,2007,5(2):152~158.[Copy]
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Received:April 20, 2006Revised:September 20, 2006
Optimal deadlock avoidance Petri net supervisorsfor automated manufacturing systems
Keyi XING; Feng TIAN; Xiaojun YANG
(The State Key Laboratory for Manufacturing System Engineering, Systems Engineering Institute, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an Shannxi 710049, China;Xi’an Institute of Electromechanical Information Technology, Xi’an Shaanxi 710065, China)
Deadlock avoidance problems are investigated for automated manufacturing systems with flexible routings. Based on the Petri net models of the systems, this paper proposes, for the first time, the concept of perfect maximal resourcetransition circuits and their saturated states. The concept facilities the development of system liveness characterization and deadlock avoidance Petri net supervisors. Deadlock is characterized as some perfect maximal resource-transition circuits reach their saturated states. For a large class of manufacturing systems, which do not contain center resources, the optimal deadlock avoidance Petri net supervisors are presented. For an general manufacturing system, a method is proposed for reducing the system Petri net model so that the reduced model does not contain center resources and, hence, has optimal deadlock avoidance Petri net supervisor. The controlled reduced Petri net model can then be used as the liveness supervisor of the system.
Key words:  Manufacturing system  Petri net  Deadlock avoidance  Supervisor