Xiangping NI,Shengwei MEI.[en_title][J].Control Theory and Technology,2008,6(1):53~58.[Copy]
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Received:September 24, 2007
A novel decomposition and coordination algorithm for complex networks and its application to power grids
Xiangping NI, Shengwei MEI
(The State Key Lab of Power Systems, Department of Electrical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China)
To analyze and control complex networks effectively, this paper puts forward a new kind of scheme, which takes control separately in each area and can achieve the network’s coordinated optimality. The proposed algorithm is made up of two parts: the first part decomposes the network into several independent areas based on community structure and decouples the information flow and control power among areas; the second part selects the center nodes from each area with the help of the control centrality index. As long as the status of center nodes is kept on a satisfactory level in each area, the whole system is under effective control. Finally, the algorithm is applied to power grids, and the simulations prove its effectiveness.
Key words:  Complex network  Decomposition and coordination algorithm  Community structure  Centrality index  Power grid